Our team comes from many different backgrounds (institutional, financial and professional).
Team members have in-depth knowledge of best market practice, long-standing expertise and a proven track record in numerous sectors and both domestic and cross-border transactions.
Based in Milan and Verona, our professionals rely on a consolidated network of banks, leading private equity houses and major Italian and international law firms.
Managing Partner
Managing Director
Managing Director
Livingstone Partners S.p.A. – Via Cernaia, 2, 20121 Milano – C.F. e P.IVA: 08835520969 – Numero REA: MI – 2052059
PEC: lpitalia@legalmail.it |Privacy Policy – Cookie Policy
In the Corus team since 2023, Mauro developed
its experience over many years in independent financial boutique where has been
involved in M&A, IPO and Fundraising processes, business planning, business
valuation and analysis, market analysis and Equity Research on listed
companies. He covered companies in many sectors of the segments Industrial,
Technology, Consumer Goods, Consumer Services and Media.
In the Corus team since 2022, Alessio specializes in market analysis, company valuation, business planning and financial statement analysis. He has been involved in M&A processes in the food, healthcare and renewable energy industries and in real estate buy-side transactions.
In the Corus team since 2023, Lorenzo has developed specific skills in company valuation and financial statement analysis. He has been involved in M&A processes in the Consumer, Industrial and Energy sectors.
In the Corus team since 2024, Greta has developed specific skills in financial statement analysis and company valuation. She has participated in M&A transactions, with particular focus on Industrial products, consumer and FIG sectors.
In the Livingstone team since 2024, Mattia has developed specific skills in market analysis and financial statement analysis. He has been involved in M&A processes in the consumer and industrial sectors.
Milena is Executive Assistant, taking care of all aspects in day-by-day organization and supporting client needs. She has a multi-year experience in various fields, gaining an aptitude to rapid problem solving, ensuring confidentiality and discretion.